OIDE Droichead Induction - Cluster Meeting 1 - Primary

PLEASE NOTE: NQTs who register with oide-droichead.com are asked to use the same email address when registering with this ESC.
● Cluster meetings are a requirement for NQTs engaging in the Droichead process and are confined to this cohort of teachers.
● Cluster meetings are specific to an NQT’s registration route (Primary/Post-primary). NQTs must therefore engage in the cluster meeting(s) that is/are relevant to their registration route only. NQTs teaching in Special Schools must engage in the cluster meeting relevant to the registration route under which they registered with the Teaching Council.
● NQTs are required to engage in one different cluster meeting per term for the duration of their Droichead process. NQTs must complete CM 1 before engaging in either Cluster Meeting 2 (CM 2) and/or Cluster Meeting 3 (CM 3). Upon successful completion of CM 1, subsequent cluster meetings must be completed in sequential order.
● CM 2 and CM 3 will be facilitated online.
● Places are limited and each 2-hour cluster meeting (face-to-face and online) will run subject to the required minimum number of NQTs registering.
● NQTs are reminded that when engaging in cluster meetings, they do so in a professional capacity. Professional conduct, participation and collaboration is the expectation when attending and engaging with cluster meetings. This is in line with the Teaching Council’s Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers 2016.
● An NQT arriving more than 10 minutes late or leaving early is unlikely to receive credit for engagement and this information will be reflected on the event’s sign-in sheet.
● NQTs are reminded that unless they adhere to the protocols they will not be credited with fulfilling the cluster meeting requirement.
● NQTs must have applied for Droichead via www.teachingcouncil.ie and have received a confirmation email from the Teaching Council (which provides approval to commence the Droichead process) prior to engaging in any cluster meetings. NQTs engaging in cluster meetings without a confirmation email will not be credited with attendance.
● On receipt of the confirmation email from the Teaching Council, all NQTs must first register at www.oide-droichead.com/register before registering for CM 1 in their chosen ESC.
● All NQTs must first register at www.oide-droichead.com/register in order to receive and download cluster meeting certificates. The submission of cluster meeting certificates to the Teaching Council is one of the requirements when concluding the Droichead process.
Course Details
Course Start Date / Time | 21-03-2024 5:00 pm |
Course End Date / Time | 21-03-2024 7:00 pm |
Cut off date | 19-03-2024 1:00 pm |
Course Fee | Free |
Location | Galway Education Support Centre |